Monday, July 21, 2014

Erika Makes - Asian Orange Chicken

Last weekend Erika threw a tantrum saying she wanted to eat Orange Chicken so we visited  PF Chang's for dinner. That was not all, we had to prepare it at home, so we google searched the recipe and guess what we found it at  We shopped for the groceries and got down to preparing it for dinner.

Now this was not a dish I prepared. I only assisted Erika with fyring the chicken. Oh here's the recipe

According to the reviews, many suggested coating the chicken with egg before coating with  flour. It does help... We also adjusted the cornflour as suggested. We mixed 1 tablespoon cornflour with 2 tablespoons of water.  And we substituted the rice vinegar with apple cider vinegar as rice vinegar is not available in Kuwait (and don't go looking for it... don't ask me why???).

Erika was very happy with herself...that she had prepared a dish which is served at PF Chang's.... and that it tasted absolutely yummy.  Yes, this ones a keeper...

Proud of Erika!!!! Thank you for the scrumptious dinner. 

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